The Challenge with Big Lighting Systems Having recently completed a major project for a client (installing a lighting automation system with a large number of dimmers and switches), I was confronted with figuring out an optimal configuration for voice control options....
Back To Basics: DIY 3-Way Lights
Da Ya Think I'm Sexy? With apologies to Rod Stewart, this week I am not writing about cool new gadgets or control systems. I’m going back to basics to describe one of the most common smart home projects. This solves a real problem and is easy to implement....
Are Your Smart Bulbs Making Your Smart Home Dumb?
Smart Bulbs are dumb! Yeah, I just did the unthinkable for a tech consultant - I stated a clear-cut opinion that just might rub some people the wrong way. I don’t like to be confrontational, so I try to steer clear of controversial positions that might offend or...
The Light At The End Of The Tunnel
Is your house dark when you arrive home? If you have landscape lighting to make your home look more appealing and to light up the way to your front door in the evening, it doesn’t really work if the lights are off when you arrive. Landscape lighting may look sexy, but...
(Almost Free) Voice Remote
The Amazon Echo Dot is a general purpose “personal assistant” that listens to your voice and can provide information on the weather, news, sports, and many other kinds of information with add-on apps called “skills”. A huge feature of the Dot (and all the Amazon Echo...