
Can You Solve SmartHome Automation Challenges With A Proxy?

Proxy-Powered Home Automation The dictionary defines the word proxy as “the authority to represent someone else” which is close to what it means in software programming too. In a nutshell, a proxy is when one thing stands in for another. You manipulate one thing, and...

Is the smart home hub dead now?

“The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated” Mark Twain   It’s a bad time to be a smart home hub, because if you believe the trade press and media, you’re dead! I wrote about this previously ( Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Hub? ) but I guess the editors didn’t...

Need a dog sitter? Try a voice assistant!

Do you use your TV as a dog sitter? Looking for a better solution using your Amazon Echo? We have a cute little cocker spaniel in our house who is really spoiled.  When we leave the house my wife insists on leaving the TV on in the family room for him. I don’t...

Turn your Amazon Echo into a DIY home intercom system

Update: "Never mind". As of this week (June 26, 2017) Amazon has pushed out software updates for all Amazon Echo products that allows direct room-to-room calling. Now by giving each of your Amazon Echo devices their own name (e.g. Office, Bedroom, Kitchen, etc.) you...