
Wi-Fi 6 or is it Why-Fi 6?

Is WI-FI 6 the latest new shiny object? With tech products like Wi-Fi 6 we are often eager to buy the latest new thing. Even if we don’t know why we should. Almost like little children, we are drawn to the shiny new objects simply because they are new. Our desire to...

Beware The Home Wiring Apocalypse

Is Your Home Wiring A Disaster Waiting To Happen? A few weeks ago I discovered a serious problem that may affects hundreds, thousands, or possibly hundreds of thousands of homes.  You may or may not be affected. If you have an old home, live in an apartment, or...

Do You Feel The Need – The Need For (Wi-Fi) Speed?

Does Size Matter? When drooling over buying a new Wi-Fi router for your smart home network, are you obsessed with size and power?  Do you look at price tags thinking the biggest, baddest router must be the most expensive one on the shelf?  Do you have...

Using Augmented Reality (AR) to Improve Your Smart Home

The Augmented Reality Hype is Real! Have you heard about augmented reality?  It has been one of the most hyped new technology trends with a lot of activity last year.  AR is a variation on virtual reality (VR) that has more practical applications than just...